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Représentation au Luxembourg


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Actualités (1129)

Résultats 1060 sur 1070
Illustration: Poignée de main devant le drapeau européen
  • Article d’actualité

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of RG Engagement Group Limited (‘RG’) of the UK, by Castik Capital S.à r.l. (‘Castik’) of Luxembourg and Abry Partners II LLC (‘Abry’) of the US.

  • 1 min de lecture
Illustration: Poignée de main devant le drapeau européen
  • Article d’actualité

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Xexec Limited (‘Xexec’) of the UK, by Castik Capital S.à r.l. (‘Castik’) of Luxembourg and Abry Partners II LLC (‘Abry’) of the US.

  • 1 min de lecture