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Représentation au Luxembourg
  • Article d’actualité
  • 23 juillet 2021
  • 1 min de lecture

Commission takes stock of relations with national Parliaments

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Today, the Commission adopted its comprehensive annual report on relations with national Parliaments and on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

Despite disruptions due to the pandemic, there was closer cooperation with national Parliaments in 2020 than during the institutional transition year of 2019.The Commission received 255 opinions from national Parliaments, 9 were reasoned opinions expressing subsidiarity concerns (compared to none in 2019).

The majority of the opinions concerned non-legislative Commission initiatives or were own-initiative opinions, which shows the willingness of some national Parliaments to provide forward-looking political input. Members of the Commission had more meetings with national Parliaments in 2020 than in 2019, and participated in inter-parliamentary meetings to an even greater extent than before, thanks to the possibilities offered by videoconferencing. In 2020, the Commission helped national Parliaments to exercise subsidiarity control by excluding the Christmas/New Year period when calculating the eight-week period for submitting reasoned opinions, and by showing flexibility when reasoned opinions were received after the expiration of this scrutiny period, to cater for the possible practical difficulties national Parliaments might have encountered due to the pandemic.

Every year, the Commission submits a report on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality in line with the Treaties. Since 2005, the Commission also publishes an annual report on its relations with national Parliaments.

These reports can be accessed online.


Date de publication
23 juillet 2021