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Représentation au Luxembourg
  • Article d’actualité
  • 26 septembre 2023
  • Représentation au Luxembourg
  • 1 min de lecture

European Day of Languages celebrates language teachers and linguistic diversity

Drapeaux européens

Today is the 2023 European Day of Languages (EDL), an annual opportunity to raise awareness about language learning and linguistic diversity, with a special focus on the role of language teachers.

Many language and cultural institutes, associations, universities and schools will take part in more than 70 local and national events organised throughout the EU.

The day will be opened with an online conference at 12:00 CEST on teaching language skills in which Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn will deliver a speech. It will be followed by a panel discussion with on multilingualism, EU's tools to help language teachers develop new skills, gather new ideas and make use of all the resources available, notably through Erasmus + and the European School Education Platform.

Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova, said: “The European Day of Languages showcases Europe's commitment to multilingualism. This is a great opportunity to show how the European Commission and the Erasmus+ programme support innovation and excellence in language teaching and learning. Languages are a skill for life and at the heart of building the European Education Area.”

Commissioner for Budget and Administration, Johannes Hahn, added: “Knowing other languages offers a window to other cultures, other civilisations, other ways of thinking, bringing respect of diversity, understanding and creativity. This is at the very heart of the European project and of the Commission as a public service. I applaud language teachers: they teach our children invaluable skills. By instilling a love for languages in young people, they contribute to a better future for Europe. Language skills have also become an indispensable tool for career development in a more and more interconnected world.”

Check out the list of  #EDLangs events to see what is happening in your country. Since 2001, the Commission and the Council of Europe organise the EDL to raise awareness of the wide variety of languages in Europe; promote cultural heritage & linguistic diversity; encourage people of all ages to learn languages; promote translation, interpretation, other language-related professions.


Date de publication
26 septembre 2023
Représentation au Luxembourg