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Représentation au Luxembourg
  • Discours
  • 9 juillet 2021
  • 1 min de lecture

Pride Luxembourg

Message by Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality, ahead of the closing ceremony of Luxembourg Pride tomorrow.

“ Hello Luxembourg,

LGBTIQ rights in Europe are at a defining moment. Do we make a big leap towards equality? Or plateau and possibly make losses to what we achieved?

There are forces amongst us that want to derail us and undo the progress. We have to stop them.

Esch-sur-Alzette became an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone recently, which is of course a welcome development. May other cities and towns in Luxembourg follow suit, and may Luxembourg send out rainbow positive tones and hues far beyond its border.

Inclusive policies and equality measures must be at the heart of these declarations.

Send a strong signal to the rest of the European Union, so that love wins over hate.

Happy Pride! “



Date de publication
9 juillet 2021